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Noam Chomsky American Linguist And Public Intellectual

Noam Chomsky: American Linguist and Public Intellectual

Early Life and Career

Avram Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928. He is an American professor and public intellectual. Chomsky's work in linguistics revolutionized the field in the 1950s by treating language as an innate, universally shared human capacity.

Academic Accomplishments

Chomsky earned a PhD in linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania. He has made significant contributions to the field, including his theory of generative grammar, which describes the deep structure of language and the rules that govern its production.

Public Intellectual

Beyond academia, Chomsky is a prominent public intellectual known for his outspoken political views on issues such as war, foreign policy, and human rights. He has written extensively on these topics and is a frequent critic of American foreign policy.
