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This Week in Space: Rocket to Orbit the Moon

Launch Scheduled for Thursday

Mission to Study Lunar Surface

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Thursday, carrying a robotic spacecraft to the Moon. The spacecraft, called the Lunar Flashlight, will orbit the Moon for several months, using infrared light to study the surface in unprecedented detail.

The Lunar Flashlight mission is designed to help scientists learn more about the Moon's surface composition, including the presence of water ice. The spacecraft will also map the Moon's surface temperature, which could help scientists understand how the Moon's geology has changed over time.

The mission is expected to last for about a year. Once the Lunar Flashlight spacecraft arrives at the Moon, it will take several weeks to enter orbit. The spacecraft will then begin its science mission, which will last for about six months.

The Lunar Flashlight mission is part of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024. The mission will help scientists learn more about the Moon's surface, which could help pave the way for future human missions.

